Friends and other avid readers, we at Next Gen are hoping you’re all doing well! This has been, by far, the busiest time in the short history of HMGS Next Gen, Inc. Between presenting at NASAGA, having our own space at Fall In! 2022, guesting on the Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy podcast, and running numerous game days, John, Jim, all of our facilitators and I have been working events every weekend since late October! It’s simply wonderful that word is getting out about Next Gen and the kind of events we run.
In terms of our game days, John Spiess has facilitated nearly all of the events, which includes running games and helping to gather more Facilitators to accommodate all the players that have been clamoring for dice rolling.
We successfully ran events at Fall In! 2022, Westchester Community College, Yale University, the Simsbury Library, and Rippowam Middle School in Stamford, Connecticut.
In terms of games played, they run the gamut from the Boxer Rebellion, to Bolt Action WW2, to Ancient Naval Warfare, to medieval combat ala Agincourt, and many others.
Rather than give a blow by blow account of each game, I’ll let the photos do the talking. We did our best to capture as many images of the games as possible. What I can say, though, is that everyone from students, to parents, to teachers, and librarians are stoked on everything that Next Gen has supported at their institutions. Players have thoroughly enjoyed everything our games have to offer.
If you’re interested in an event, please reach out and let us know. Following our interview on the WSS podcast, as well as all the work we did with the Dey Mansion, word is getting out about gaming at museums. If you’re a curator, check out our Dey Mansion blog post or the podcast interview with Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy (the title is “A Knight at the Museum“) to hear a little bit about what our events look like.
Enjoy the photos!