Historical Miniatures Gaming Society

Next Gen Gaming

Building the NEXT GENeration of gamers, one die roll at a time.

For a detailed catalogue of past, present, and future events
visit our blog via the link above!

Our Mission

Our goal is to foster and facilitate the growth of game clubs,
design thinking, and game-based professional development
here in the United States and across the world.


Game Testimonials, Presentations, & Awards


Meet Our Executive Director

John Spiess
Co-Founder and
Executive Director

John Spiess is a co-founder of HMGS Next Gen, Inc. (“Next Gen”). Considered one of the old veterans, John’s gaming experience goes back 50 years. He’s published numerous rule systems and is a skilled game master.

If you’re interested in enhancing your institution’s programming, John is more than willing to answer any questions you may have about how Next Gen can serve you.