Next Gen has had one of our best quarters in recent history. At this point, I can’t tell you how many times a parent, student, or librarian has said something along the lines of, “Next Gen? You guys have become an institution around here!” This kind of compliment is really what makes our day at HMGS Next Gen, Inc.

At the moment, we are running events pretty consistently at libraries in Greenwich, Darien, New Canaan, and several others. The kids have really been great, and in some cases, are now traveling to other venues to game because they want to play more. Again, really good news for our organization, and even better, fantastic news for the hobby!
We also ran one of our yearly events at Yale University, in coordination with Yale’s Military History Club. There were two games for students to play- one of our usual Stalingrad games- always popular at Yale. And second, an Anglo-Afghan War game set in 1878. The players were really stupendous, and in some cases, new to gaming. They caught on quickly and had a blast. A few of the players even did short presentations on topics related to the games, which was a really nice way to build excitement to play.

Huge thank you to Jim Stanton, John Spiess, all of the other Next Gen facilitators, and of course, the players themselves for enjoying our games.
As we continue building towards the future, we’ll be running more events in and around the Greenwich/Stamford/New Canaan area. Kelly McManus, our website constructor/extraordinaire, has been working hard at building some models for us to use here on the website to keep people up to date with when our events are being held.
Please enjoy some photos from our various events over the last few months!