On April 23rd we ran one event at Scranton Memorial Library (see our previous post), and on the same day went to our familiar haunt up at the Gardiner Library, located right near SUNY New Paltz. We had almost 20 gamers playing three different games- an AWI game run by yours truly, a Bolt Action game hosted by two Next Gen regulars, Gregg and Eddie, and a Napoleonic battle hosted by Peter Anderson, a good friend of mine and a fixture at HMGS conventions. The games were really fantastic and it seemed like everyone had a blast. The gaming bug has certainly caught on at Gardiner!
Huge thank you to Carolyn Thorenz for being our point person on the ground. Carolyn is the ideal collaborator- totally supportive, beloved by her community, and a great friend to Next Gen. With any luck, I’ll convince her to play at our next gaming session!