Next Gen is proud to announce that we’ll be working with the staff at the Dey Mansion Washington’s Headquarters to craft a day of miniatures gaming centered around the American War of Independence. Huge thank you to Kelly McManus, who works at the museum, for reaching out regarding programming. We’ll be playing on Saturday, September 24th, 2022, with a presentation about the day, Next Gen, and game based learning happening two weeks prior on the 10th.

As you can see by the photos, the site is absolutely gorgeous, and rests on the area in which Washington’s army was camped in 1780. Next Gen is already in the planning stages, thinking on rules, scale, and size of what we think would be the most fun in the setting.
It’s been a good while since I’ve dusted off my 15mm AWI collection- expect to see me there personally as one of the GMs. Please check back to our blog and website for more information on the day. I’ve included a link to Dey’s website, that way you can peruse all the offerings they provide the community. We’re proud to be working with them!
Also, please enjoy the AWI photos from my own collection. Enjoy!
If you are a museum curator that has interest in working with Next Gen, do not hesitate to reach out. Please use the contact form on our main website. Happy gaming!