It’s always a wonderful thing to hear from a student after nearly a decade. It’s also entirely wonderful to find out that they are not only interested in game based learning, but are doing the work to continue growing the practice. Thus, it is with great pleasure to announce that I’ll be consulting with the center for Radical Innovation for Social Change, located at the University of Chicago. I’ll be supporting them to design a simulation focused on using data analysis to make informed decisions. The team is a good one, including JD, my former student, professors Steven Levitt, Jeffrey Severts (you may know them for their work on Freakonomics), and several other members of the office. In so many respects, game based learning goes hand in hand with the mission statement of RISC, which includes finding new and innovative ways to take on issues such as climate change, social justice, and other critical topics facing the US and the world.

I’m so proud to be doing this work. This type of project is exactly why Next Gen was born. If we’re able to integrate game based learning into more environments, and expose more students, teachers, and others to everything the practice is useful for, it’s a win. Also, to have a chance to come full circle and continue to support JD in his own work is rewarding even on its own.
Feel free to check the blog for more updates on this project. In the next few weeks, I’ll announce more of what Next Gen is working on, including more miniatures games at the library, school, and university levels, as well as some corporate events we have cooking.